Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Short-cut through Spring Farm

Small W&N watercolour in Moleskine 200gsm sketch-book 
Often, when I go to Magaliesburg (Gauteng, South Africa), I take this short-cut through Spring Farm past the little dam. It’s a gravel road, forcing one to travel slower and take in the scenery and I often have tortoises, hedgehogs, guinea fowl and small buck crossing my path. I much prefer it to the quicker route along the main tar road.


Winter is coming!

W&N watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm 

The first signs of winter are already showing amongst the bluegum trees on our smallholding (Tarlton, Gauteng, South Africa). Yellow grass, fallen leaves and longer shadows accompany me as I take my (now cold) early morning walks. The lizards and snakes have all but disappeared or only come out much later in the day as it warms up. Even the birds seem to be more quiet, preferring to sit in the top branches of some dead trees, basking in the early morning sun and warming up before taking on the day.

The dark forest

W&N watercolour in a small sketch-book with Bockingford 300gsm watercolour paper - original not for sale but available on various products on RedBubble

A different depiction of the blue gum bush on our smallholding (Tarlton, Gauteng, South Africa)

Woods creaked, the sounds of the forest was heard
A hoot and whispers in the darkness
Eyes lurking, bushes moving
Hunting beasts wandering,
waiting in the shadows…


Daisy serenity

W&N watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm 
There’s serenity here… The one place where I can finally hear my thoughts.

The forest - beautiful and great

W&N watercolour on Arches 300gsm

“All life is figured by them as a Tree. Igdrasil, the Ash-tree of existence, has its roots deep-down in the kingdoms of Death: its trunk reaches up heaven-high, spreads its boughs over the whole Universe: it is the Tree of Existence. At the foot of it, in the Death-Kingdom, sit the three Fates – the Past, Present and Future; watering its roots from the Sacred Well. It’s “bough,” with their buddings and disleafings, – events, things suffered, things done, catastrophes – stretch through all lands and times. Is not every leaf of it a biography, every fiber there an act or word? Its boughs are the Histories of Nations. The rustle of it is the noise of Human Existence, onwards from of old. I find no similitude so true as this of a Tree. Beautiful; altogether beautiful and great."
- Thomas Carlyle

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