Monday, October 3, 2016

Dark reaction

Acrylic painting on un-stretched canvas sheet

The dark within awakes.
My very breath it takes.

Bloody black feelings stir
growing shadowy black fur.
A drop of hate -
A torrent of anger -
A sheet of darkness -
A shard of light-

I lost track.
~ Mau Rose

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Awakening

 W&N watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm - 8" x 12"
Like a flash of lightening on a dark quiet night
Creativity erupts.
It overflows the senses,
Spilling out like liquid inspiration.

Living our Authentic Power means listening to the voice within, regardless of the pressure of social conditioning or any authority or peer group belief systems.  You are a unique individual and have your own path to traverse.  Your path is not necessarily the path of others. 

It is the voice within that knows best for us and will always guide us in the right direction for our soul evolution.  Honouring this inner wisdom means that we are aligning our human selves with our souls, for the purpose of spiritual growth.  It means that we are being who we truly are - a magnificent spark of the Creative Force.  Anything less than this is a chaining of the soul, and will create pain.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Magaliesburg landscape

Acrylic on Gesso primed Acrylic Canvas sheet – Done on location in Magaliesburg, Gauteng, South Africa.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Superwoman

W&N Watercolour on Bockingford 300gsm 
What will the superwoman be, of whom we sing -
She who is coming over the dim border
Of Far To-morrow, after earths disorder
Is tidied up by Time? What will she bring
To make life better on tempestuous earth?
How will her worth
Be greater than her forbears? What new power
Within her being will burst into flower?

She will bring virtue; but it will not be
The pale, white blossom of cold chastity
Which hides a barren heart. She will be human -
Not saint or angel, but the superwoman -
Mother and mate and friend of superman.
- Extract from "The Superwoman" by Ella Wheeler Willcox


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Midnight in town square

Oil painting on un-stretched canvas sheet 

An imaginary scene of midnight in a Town Square after a down-pour. 

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