Thursday, March 24, 2016

The urge to sketch and paint

I've been churning out a lot of small sketches and paintings lately, the urge for the brush was greater than trying to plan something big and wonderful! Smile!

Daisies singing in the rain - small watercolour on note paper 4.5" x 6"

Winter fires - small watercolour on note paper 6" x 4.5"

Hibiscus beauty - Black ink sketch and watercolour on small sketch pad 6" x 4.5"

Arum lilies - small ink sketch and watercolour on sketch pad 6" x 3.5"

 Herbs in pots - small ink sketch on sketch pad 6" x 4.5"

Bound for Freedom - Black ink sketch on note paper 6" x 4.5" (of a Black Crow (Corvus capensis), indigenous to South Africa
Afrikaans : Swartkraai

 Cheerful Gerbara Daisy - Ink sketch and watercolour on small 4.5" x 6" Bockingford watercolour paper

The Crow's Song - Black ink sketch of a black Crow (Corvus capensis) on 6" x 4.5" note paper

Whispers in the trees - Ink sketch and watercolour on Bockingford 200gsm sketch paper 4.5" x 6"


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